Monday, 26 May 2014

The Benefits of Using Custom Staff Shirts in Sporting Events

For your next sporting event, consider having custom staff shirts made. There are many benefits to providing the sports staff with uniforms. Here are just some of them:

1. Your staff can serve as ‘walking billboards’ for your sports team or brand. As they work the venue (or go out to lunch, even), they are exposing your logo to more people.

2. Custom staff shirts can enhance security. It will distinguish your staff from the crowd. This is particularly important during sporting events, when you want to make sure that only authorized personnel can access certain areas.   

3. Uniforms give the staff a sense of unity. Putting on custom shirts make your staff adapt a different persona—a work persona, that can make them more team-oriented and focused. Studies show that uniforms have a positive impact on staff behaviour. When they are wearing a custom staff shirt, they become fully aware that their actions reflect on the team and their employer. This is why uniformed staffers are often more conscious of their behaviour.

4. Custom staff shirts promote equality and solidarity. When you give your sports event staff the same thing to wear, they no longer feel the pressure to spend in order to look a certain way (or better than their co-employees). People in the same uniform also feel a sense of solidarity. That is why sports teams and schools have uniforms. Why shouldn’t your staff have custom shirts, too?

5. Uniforms will help customers, too, showing them who to approach for questions or assistance.

When designing custom staff shirts for your next sporting event, keep comfort and function in mind. They will be moving around a lot, so you want shirts with fabric with excellent moisture control properties. Take the weather into consideration, too. Will the sporting venue be summer hot, or quite cold? Lastly, perhaps you can design custom staff shirts that are in sync with the colours of the team you are with.

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